Silver Plating Process

Rectifier Capacity :

8 Volt - 25/50/100 Amps CVCC

With deamer and digital meters

Additional facility : Timer, Amp Totalizer, Dozing pump for Brighteners.

Tank :

Fabricated with MS and Rubber Lined/ PVC lined

Fabricated with PP with wall thickness of 10/12 mm

Additional facility : Anode-Cathode Brackets, Cathode movement.

Barrel :

1/5/7.5 Kg Capacity of Loading, along with Tank and Gear Box, with Drum Hole size at 2 or 3 mm as per requirement.

FIlter Pump :

30 LPM Magnetic Pump with PP Chamber and Cartage/Pad Filtration system.

Operating Parameters :

Temperature : 20 to 30 ° C.
Voltage : 1 to 4 Volt DC. For VAT and 6 to 8 Volt for Barrel
Current : 5 to 20 Amps/ Sq. Ft.
Bath Composition : Silver As Metal 15- 35 gms/ltr
Pottasium Cyanide : 140 – 200 gm/ltr.
Carbonate : 15 - 35 gms/ltr.
Carrier Brightener(M ) : 15 – 20 ml/ltr.
Replainiser Brightner(R ) : 1- 2 ml/ltr.
Anodes : Pure Silver Metal @ purity of 99.99%
Rate of Deposition : 25 micron in 20 min @ 20 Amp/sq.ft.
Filtration : 2 hrs of working days.
Brightener maintenance : (M) @ 50 to 75 ml/ KAH
(R ) @ 350 to 450 ml/KAH