Cyanide Copper Plating Process

Rectifier Capacity :

8 Volt - 250/500/750/1000Amps

Air/ Oil cooled , with deamer and digital meters

Tank :

Fabricated with MS and Rubber Lined/ PVC lined

Fabricated with PP with wall thickness of 10/12 mm

Additional facility Anode-Cathode Brackets.

Filter Pump :

125 LPM Magnetic Pump with PP Chamber @ 2500 LPH Actual Filtration Capacity

Heaters :

S.S./Silica Heaters @ Capacity of 1/2/2.5/3 KW

Operating Parameters :

Temperature : 45 to 55 ° C.
Voltage : 2 to 4 Volt DC.
Current : 30 to 60 Amps/ Sq. Ft.
Bath Composition : Copper as metal 22-26 gms/ltr
Free Cyanide : 6-12 gms/ltr.
Carbonate : 25-75 gms/ltr.
Rochelle : 15-50 gms/ltr.
Anodes : Pure Copper Anode.
Rate of Deposition : 25 micron in 33 min @ 30 Amp/sq.ft.
Filtration : 2 hrs of working days.